Environmental Physiotherapy Association 2023 Festival

 Images of the Anthropocene: In Sickness and Health

a virtual gallery exhibition

Base of the Copper Mine

A Call for Images!

All visual artists, professional, amateur, hobbyists and thinkers are invited to submit any digital version of visual arts (painting, photographs, mixed media, etc, here with the subject line: EPTA Gallery Submission, for a virtual exhibition to begin on 11/11/2023.

Please submit images with information about the image or work, and a few lines about why this image matters to you and the issues related to the Festival like climate change, health justice, climate-related health, etc. The gallery images will be shared on Twitter and Instagram from @EricRobertson highlighting the works and artists contributing to the exhibition. The exhibition will stay on for several months following the festival.

For example, a submission about the image above might read something like:

“Base of the Copper Mine” depicts the intersection of natural and manmade landscapes at the base of the Kennecott Copper Mine, a huge site of extraction in the Oquirrh Mountains in Utah. Copper is vital to our society, but the scars it leaves on the earth are real. The layering of the natural and unnatural world is a reflection on the painful decisions we must make a society considers climate change and our role in building a sustainable life on this planet.

Digital Photograph, Archival Print, 20x40”, 2021.”

Environmental Physiotherapy Festival, 9-12 November 2023